What is the difference between verrucous skin cancer and squamous cell skin cancer? Verrucous skin cancer is a rare variant of squamous cell skin cancer, one of several common forms of skin cancer. While squamous cell carcinoma can appear almost anywhere on the body, verrucous carcinoma is more localized, often appearing in specific areas where there is lower exposure to UV rays.
What is Squamous Cell Skin Cancer?
Squamous cell skin cancer is a common form of skin cancer that tends to be slow growing. It affects an estimated .8 million patients annually. It can appear in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and textures. However, one unifying characteristic is a sore that refuses to heal or go away on its own. This form of skin cancer is typically caused by overexposure to sunlight or ultraviolet rays, which is why many instances of squamous cell skin cancer appear on body parts that see the most sun, including the face, head, neck, ears, and arms.Squamous cell skin cancer can also appear inside the body—and these cases are generally classified as verrucous skin cancer.
What is Verrucous Skin Cancer?
Verrucous skin cancer is a variant of squamous cell skin cancer, a variant that most commonly appears inside the body, or in external areas that are less exposed to sunlight and UV rays. Verrucous skin cancer is most commonly found:
- Inside the mouth
- In the larynx
- Around the genitals
- In the esophagus
Verrucous skin cancer commonly appears as a bumpy, wart-like area. While it is unlikely to spread, its presence does destroy surrounding tissue and cells, which can lead to other health problems.
Verrucous skin cancer is known by a variety of names, including:
- Ackerman’s tumor
- Buschke-Loewenstein tumor
- Florid oral papillomatosis
- Epithelioma cuniculatum
- Carcinoma cuniculatum
- Cutis papillomatosis carcinoides of Gottron
When found inside the mouth, verrucous skin cancer is believed to be caused by tobacco use, particularly with chewing tobacco or snuff. Other cases have been linked to the human papillomavirus or HPV.
The Difference Between Verrucous Skin Cancer and Squamous Cell Skin Cancer
The biggest difference between verrucous carcinoma vs. squamous cell carcinoma is how the tumors form. In fact, the two types are more similar than they are different, with similar physical characteristics and treatment methods available to both. The best way to discern between verrucous carcinoma vs. squamous cell carcinoma is to schedule a check up with your dermatologist. A professional skin cancer screening will help you stay on top of developments with your skin’s health, and lead you to the correct course of action should complications arise.
Learn About How IG-SRT Can Treat Squamous Cell Skin Cancer
Image-Guided SRT is an exceptional treatment method for squamous cell skin cancer. If you’ve been diagnosed with this common form of skin cancer and want to learn more about IG-SRT, the surgery-free cure for common skin cancers, contact our Skin Cancer Information Specialists at 855-936-4411 and speak with your doctor or dermatologist.