About IG-SRT / Patient Satisfaction Survey
Survey Reveals Overall 99%+ Satisfaction With GentleCure
People who receive GentleCure are asked to fill out a survey after they are finished treatment with Image-Guided SRT. The results help SkinCure Oncology, the company that provides GentleCure, to know how to make the experience of having GentleCure better in the future. For the past 3 years the survey has been given, the results remain the same: nearly 100% of people who have GentleCure are completely satisfied.
About the survey
- Offered to all people who finished treatment with GentleCure using Image-Guided Superficial Radiation Therapy (Image-Guided SRT)
- Filled out by 12,272 people between April 2020 and March 2023
- Asked people to rate their satisfaction with GentleCure by answering 3 questions
How satisfied were you with the outcome of your treatment?
- 4 Stars: 11,625 people
- 3 Stars: 349 people
- 2 Stars: 15 people
- 1 Star: 10 people
3 or 4 stars
Were you happy with your decision to be treated with GentleCure?
- YES: 11,998 people
- No or Unsure: 21 people
were happy with
their decision
Would you recommend GentleCure to others?
- YES: 11,939 people
- No or Unsure: 28 people
would recommend
Full data available from SkinCure Oncology.
Download the discussion guide to learn how to speak with your dermatologist about the right skin cancer treatment for you.
Download the guide*Not an actual patient.
Everyone Deserves a Surgery-Free Treatment Option
Participate in change. Do not let radiation oncologists limit your treatment options to protect their income. Sign a FREE petition to tell Medicare and health insurers that you expect them to CONTINUE COVERING an FDA-cleared, less invasive treatment option.