IG-SRT Locations
Find the Cities Closest to You Where
Image-Guided SRT is Available
For additional details, please call 855-936-4411.
To the best of our knowledge, the map above shows the locations of all dermatology practices in the U.S. offering Image-Guided SRT as an option for the treatment of skin cancer. If your dermatology practice offers Image-Guided SRT and is not represented on the map please email us at info@SkinCureOncology.com and provide the name and location of your practice and confirm that you currently have a Sensus SRT-100 Vision unit operational at your location.
Need help getting started?
Speak with a Skin Cancer Information Specialist for information about Image-Guided SRT, help finding a location, and more.
Everyone Deserves a Surgery-Free Treatment Option
Participate in change. Do not let radiation oncologists limit your treatment options to protect their income. Sign a FREE petition to tell Medicare and health insurers that you expect them to CONTINUE COVERING an FDA-cleared, less invasive treatment option.