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How Long Does IG-SRT Treatment Take?

Image-Guided Superficial Radiation Therapy (IG-SRT) has revolutionized the treatment landscape for skin cancer. Offering a surgery-free alternative to traditional surgical procedures, IG-SRT employs precise imaging techniques to deliver targeted radiation therapy directly to the skin cancer area near the skin’s surface. Many people with skin cancer who first learn about IG-SRT often ask similar questions. How long does IG-SRT take? What is the IG-SRT timeline like? Below, you’ll find out what is the IG-SGT timeline, how long each IG-SRT treatment takes, and more with the team at GentleCure™.

Benefits of IG-SRT vs. Mohs Surgery for Skin Cancer

When confronted with the daunting task of treating skin cancer, people with skin cancer are frequently presented with a critical decision: opting for conventional surgical interventions such as Mohs surgery or exploring surgery-free alternatives like IG-SRT. While both avenues share the common goal of eradicating cancerous growths, IG-SRT stands out for its array of distinctive advantages. Unlike the invasive nature of Mohs surgery, which entails the excision of tissue layers and the potential for noticeable scarring, IG-SRT offers a gentler approach that prioritizes the preservation of healthy tissue and mitigates cosmetic concerns. 

Moreover, the allure of IG-SRT is further enhanced by its abbreviated treatment durations, sparing people with skin cancers from prolonged medical interventions, and minimizing disruptions to their daily lives. With its streamlined outpatient delivery, IG-SRT not only affords people with skin cancer the convenience of receiving treatment in familiar settings but also fosters a sense of comfort and control throughout the therapeutic journey. For individuals seeking effective yet less invasive treatment modalities for skin cancer, IG-SRT emerges as a compelling option, promising optimal outcomes with minimal impact on their quality of life.

What’s the IG-SGT Timeline?

The journey of IG-SRT treatments is characterized by a meticulously structured timeline of 4 to 6 weeks, ensuring comprehensive care and optimal outcomes for people with skin cancer. It all begins with initial consultations, where people with skin cancer meet with their healthcare providers to embark on their treatment journey. During these consultations, healthcare professionals conduct thorough assessments of medical history, meticulously reviewing past treatments, current medications, and any underlying health conditions that may influence treatment decisions. Additionally, imaging studies, such as ultrasounds or CT scans, may be performed to precisely visualize the extent of the skin cancer area and determine the most effective treatment approach.

Following the comprehensive evaluation, healthcare providers meticulously evaluate eligibility for IG-SRT treatment. Factors like the size, location, and type of skin cancer, as well as overall health and medical history, are carefully considered to ensure that IG-SRT is the optimal choice for the individual. Once deemed suitable candidates, people with skin cancer embark on a series of IG-SRT sessions, which are typically administered in comfortable outpatient settings, such as dermatology practices or specialized treatment centers.

What Can You Expect from IG-SRT Sessions? 

These IG-SRT sessions are strategically spaced over several weeks to allow for optimal response and minimize potential side effects. Each session involves the precise delivery of radiation therapy to the affected area, targeting cancerous cells while sparing healthy surrounding tissue. Throughout the treatment journey, people with skin cancer receive ongoing support and monitoring from their dedicated healthcare team, ensuring that any concerns or side effects are promptly addressed and that the treatment plan remains tailored to their evolving needs. This comprehensive approach to care enhances treatment efficacy and provides those dealing with skin cancer the reassurance and confidence to navigate their journeys with peace of mind.

IG-SRT Treatment Timeline

Below, you can see the breakdown of the timeline in an easy-to-follow guide: 

Initial Consultations:

  • Meet with healthcare providers to begin their treatment journey.
  • Thorough assessment of medical history, including past treatments and current medications.
  • Imaging studies such as ultrasounds or CT scans may be conducted to visualize the extent of the skin cancer area.

Eligibility Evaluation:

  • Healthcare providers meticulously evaluate eligibility for IG-SRT treatment.
  • Factors considered include size, location, and type of skin cancer, as well as overall health and medical history.
  • Ensuring IG-SRT is the optimal choice for the individual.

IG-SRT Treatment Sessions:

  • Undergo a series of 10-15 minute IG-SRT sessions.
  • Strategic spacing of sessions over several weeks to allow for optimal skin cancer area response and minimize potential side effects.

Ongoing Support and Monitoring:

  • Continuous support and monitoring from a dedicated healthcare team.
  • Prompt addressing of any concerns or side effects.
  • Treatment plan tailored to evolving needs.

Comprehensive Care:

  • Enhanced treatment efficacy through a comprehensive approach to care.
  • Providing reassurance and confidence to people with skin cancer, so they can navigate their journey with peace of mind.

Find Out How GentleCure™ Can Help You Today

In the realm of superficial therapy for skin cancer treatment, Image-Guided SRT is known for its precision, surgery-free, efficiency, versatility, and minimal side effects. GentleCure™ can help you get back on your feet with no interruption to your day-to-day activities. Reach out to our team today, and we’ll work with you to ensure you’re getting the best treatment for your lifestyle. You can also learn about the differences between  Image-Guided SRT and Mohs surgery for treating many common types of skin cancer.

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