GentleCure Blog

Patient Stories FAQs

1. What is GentleCure™? 

GentleCure™, a trademark owned by SkinCure Oncology, LLC, is dedicated to raising awareness about Image-Guided Superficial Radiotherapy (Image-Guided SRT) as a non-invasive treatment option for common skin cancers, which impact millions of Americans each year. SkinCure Oncology leads globally in providing comprehensive models for delivering Image-Guided SRT, partnering with dermatologists and Mohs surgeons to offer cancer center-level radiotherapy in physician offices. SkinCure Oncology also offers expertise and support to over 300 practices nationwide, with more than 77,000 patients treated with Image-Guided SRT. They advocate for patients’ rights to choose surgery-free treatment options by urging Medicare and health insurers to continue covering FDA-cleared alternatives through a free petition.

2. Can you share some patient stories or testimonials of individuals who have undergone Image-Guided Superficial Radiation Therapy (SRT)?

Certainly! Many people with skin cancer have shared their positive experiences with Image-Guided SRT and their GentleCure™ reviews. Numerous testimonials have been provided over the years, including the 50,000th treatment at a GentleCure™ location with Dr. Keating, who was diagnosed with basal cell skin cancer on his nose.

3. How do patients typically feel during and after undergoing Image-Guided SRT?

Patients often report feeling comfortable during Image-Guided SRT sessions, as the procedure is surgery-free and painless. There may be a slight warmth or tingling sensation in the treated area during the session, but most patients tolerate it well. After treatment, patients can resume their normal activities immediately, without any interruption to their daily life and normal activities.

4. What are some common reasons patients choose Image-Guided SRT for their skin cancer treatment?

Patients choose Image-Guided SRT for various reasons, including its surgery-free nature, excellent track record of leaving no scarring, shorter treatment durations at just 10 to 15 minutes, and little to no side effects compared to surgical options. Additionally, Image-Guided SRT is often preferred by patients with medical comorbidities or those who prefer a less invasive treatment approach.

5. Are there any patient success stories that highlight the effectiveness of Image-Guided SRT in treating skin cancer?

Yes, many patients have experienced successful outcomes with Image-Guided SRT. For example, Ruby, who had been forced 30 years ago to undergo Mohs surgery when she first developed skin cancer, underwent Image-Guided SRT treatment and achieved complete resolution of her cancer without having to rely on surgery. Such success stories underscore the efficacy and patient satisfaction associated with Image-Guided SRT as a skin cancer treatment option.

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