GentleCure Blog

What Are the Early Signs of Skin Cancer?

Doctor inspecting woman patient skin on her for melanoma

Skin cancer often develops on areas of the skin where it is easily detectable, making it easier to diagnose early on than other types of cancer. The earlier a cancerous skin spot is detected, the sooner you can treat it and the higher your chances are of curing it. What are the early signs of skin cancer to look for? You can follow a method called the ā€˜ABCDE methodā€™ to help determine if a blemish is a cause for concern. Learn how to use the ABCDE method to detect early signs of cancer on skin, below.

Know the Early Signs of Cancer On Skin

Most individuals are familiar with the various moles and freckles on their skin, many of which have probably existed since they were young. You might even be using a skin cancer app to help track these spots. The first indicator of skin cancer is usually a brand-new spot on the skin, or a change in the size, shape, and color of a pre-existing spot. 

Hereā€™s how you can use the ABCDE method to examine a new or changing mole or blemish on your skin and determine if it should be seen by a doctor:

  • Asymmetry: Does the mole have an irregular shape?
  • Border: Are the edges of the spot uneven or notched?
  • Color: Is the coloring of the mole uneven, or does it have noticeably darker spots within it?
  • Diameter: Is the spot larger in diameter than a standard pencil eraser?
  • Evolving or Elevation: Has the size, shape, or texture of the blemish changed over time? Is the spot raised above the skin?

If you can answer ā€œyesā€ to one or more of the points above, donā€™t delay scheduling an appointment with a licensed dermatologist. Some skin spots may appear to be problematic but are actually healthy, while others might appear only slightly off but turn out to be cancerous. No matter the case, your essential first step is to have a discussion with your doctor.

Other Signs of Skin Cancer

The ABCDE method is great for detecting early signs of cancer on skin, but there are other symptoms you should look for that may point to a cancerous spot that is more advanced in its development. These symptoms include:

  • A sore that never heals
  • Darker pigment, redness, or swelling that has spread outside the border of a blemish into the surrounding skin
  • A spot that is itchy, tender, or causes general pain
  • A pre-existing mole that exhibits changes in texture or is presenting with scales, discharge, or bleeding
  • Blurred vision, partial loss of sight, or dark spots in the iris of the eye

Final Tips

  • Skin cancer symptoms can vary between individuals, and skin cancer doesnā€™t always develop from a new or existing mole. If you notice any new spot on your skin, whether it is flesh-colored or an abnormal shade like pink or red, it is important to see a doctor for a professional opinion
  • While skin cancer often develops on high points of the body that see the most sun exposure, it is also possible for it to develop on more obscure parts, so itā€™s important to have regular full body screenings if you are someone who is at a higher risk of skin cancer.Ā 

Next Steps

Annually, some 9,500 people across the U.S. are diagnosed every day with skin cancer. One out of every five people will experience skin cancer by the age of 70. Here at GentleCure, weā€™re passionate about providing you with information on skin cancer prevention, detection, and treatment. The typical treatment for most common skin cancers is surgery, which may be painful, leave a scar and limit daily activity. Advancements in technology mean there is now a surgery-free approach to skin cancer treatment with effective results.

If youā€™ve been diagnosed with basal cell or squamous cell skin cancer, please contact a Skin Cancer Information Specialist at 855-936-4411 for more information or visit our IG-SRT locations page to find a dermatologist that offers GentleCure.

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